20 November 2013

Magical Item: A cursed pair of eye goggles that is used to steal the eyes of creatures. It doubles as a torture device due to its method of extracting them.


  • Attacks creatures within 30 feet.
  • 1/rnd do a Ref 20 or be forced to wear them.
  • Concentration 16 or launch an eye every 10rnds.
  • When shapeshifting with eyes, you get its abilities.
  • Takes up the Headband slot.
  • Cursed Item: Can't be taken off


Any creature wearing these goggles will see red marks appearing over everything they focus on. The more they focus on something the brighter the mark on it. The less they focus, the darker (or non-existent) the mark.

If a creature focuses on something for too long they feel some pressure build up behind their eyes, until, the eye is popped out of its socket, and launched towards the targeted mark.

When an eye is launched, a hard protective case is build up around it in the shape of a cylindrical glass container, a Stasis Glass. The eye is held in a stasis field which prevents any damage unless the container itself is opened.

How it's Used

The Goggles are attracted to any creature with eyes that is within 1 size category of its size. When within 30 feet of such a creature they fly at their eyes, attaching themselves. The target gets a Reflex Save (DC: 20) to block, though the goggles will keep trying 1/rnd. Every 10rnds hereafter the target will need to do a concentration check (DC: 16) to not focus too much (and launch 1 eye).

The Goggles are considered a Headband magical item, thus preventing you from using any goggles, eye glasses or other such items.

The Goggles are considered a cursed item for the sake of getting them off, thus Remove Curse will make them fall off, after which they will take 1d10 rnds to recover (launching one of their eyes on failure).

The Goggles are usually encountered as a stranded item, acting like a trap. However in reality these Goggles are used to collect Mystic Eyes, thus there is a way to control them. The Goggles are created with a small container to hold them. The container has an arcane symbol to press when you need to stop the goggles from attacking things, and another to get them to start up again.

Stasis Glass

Any eye in a Stasis Glass can't get any damage until the container breaks. This makes it the best way to store eyes until you have a need for them.

Due to a quirk in its production any shapeshifting while holding an eye grants the user that eye. This takes up the Headband slot, preventing any other magic items from functioning. You can have as many eye changes as is available to your current form, thought this is mandatory. Using this you can change eye colour, shape and other such details. If you hold more eyes than your form has, you get to choose which ones work (or roll for randomness).

  • Hardness: 15
  • HP: 20
  • Aura: Strong Transmutation

When the Stasis glass is broken, it disappears, but the contents fall out (and are probably ruined)

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